About Me

My photo
jakarta, Indonesia
me? a girl who won't kill her self,her mind and her life if she had a broken fvcking heart(s)

my mind's screams

why happiness always comes and goes? why it can't stays?
*still look for the answer!

hey welcome to my blog that i'll tell you everything here. don't forget to follow me and if you want to linked by me just ask!

but as well,
you can sit beside me when the world comes down..
-the all-american rejects

with love, wf

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

my 11th anniversary:)

bonjour la! gue lg seneng banget looh.. tadi pas peep pulang dari ef sekitar jam setengah 8 an. peep kerumah gue loh! suasana nya mencekam gt(ciealah) jd banyak kabut gt ck ck ck trus gue was was banget takut bokap gue pulang trus di hajar lah itu anaknya om dody hehehe gue sampe gemeteran banget loh haha ya allaah.. here goes the annivstory..

jd seharus nya gue besok anniversary sama peep nya,tp gara2 udah liburr jd nge rayain nya sekarang hihi dia ke rumah gue ngasih coklat ferrero rocher gt haha fererro rocher mulu ya? tapi gpp laaah hihi trus kan gue ga enak sama dia,yaudah gua langsung ngambil susu ultra milk chocolate yg low fat gt hahaha tau deh tuh suka ga si andhika putra pratama haha trus gue ngobrol2 kilat gt hehehe and i staring him like he's a gold! wew lebaaaayy haha tau deh,soalnya gue ngeliatin dia mulu gt ck ck ck wapeng wapeng.

hahaha asoy ye,A&W means he and me:) hehe

oh iya,td kan gue buka friendster noh. wew gahol yak sekarang? jd yg punya friendster add gua yak friendster.com/airwafa ato air.wafa@live.com hahaha geblek. tp kyk nya gue bakal jarang bgt buka tuh web site ck ck

hope i have an everlasting love:) ILYSM peep hehe
