About Me

My photo
jakarta, Indonesia
me? a girl who won't kill her self,her mind and her life if she had a broken fvcking heart(s)

my mind's screams

why happiness always comes and goes? why it can't stays?
*still look for the answer!

hey welcome to my blog that i'll tell you everything here. don't forget to follow me and if you want to linked by me just ask!

but as well,
you can sit beside me when the world comes down..
-the all-american rejects

with love, wf

Saturday, December 12, 2009

bye bye left seat beside

hey! gue udah selesai ujian tulis nih,jd udah boleh ol gt hmm doain ya supaya bagus nilai gue ya allah susah2 euy! kerrittiing otak gue haha tp gpp deh gue seneng sama UAS tahun ini soalnya gue sebelahan sama peep. yaa walaupun ga ngaruh sih tp at least gue kan bisa ngeliat die seharian wekekekek. tp gara2 ujian tulis udah selesai.. then bye bye left seat beside (peep's seat) :'( hmm here goes the exams..

al-qur'an: gosh! wallahualam aja dah

b.inggris: good i guess haha

ipa: babik. tp rada2 bisa sih

ips: cincaii laah (PD bgt dah gua)

matematika: bodo deh ah!

b.arab: i don't even know where i have to put my name on!

pkn: iih buku gue kan ilang! jd ancur ancuran gt gua ngerjain nya uurggh

tik(komputer): gue ngeremehin nih kyknya.. susah banget!

apa lagi sih? udahkan itu doang? haha okay deh itu aja doain ya supaya nilai gue bagus trus.. HELLOO JEVLIN (y) wekekek

oh iya! masa ada yg kakak kelas yg nembak gue kaan trus gue tolak eeh dia malah doain supaya gue break up sama peep trus jadian sama dia! iiihhh ngeselin bgt tau ga! ga demen gue kalo kyk gini:( as you all know i love peep sooo much! and i hate when there's someone wish us for breakup. no way! then stop annoying me and my relationship with peep!!! hhh you make me badmood sir. trus neror bgt dia masa missedcall sampe byk bgt gt! udah sms nya alay. sama di telfon udah gombal2an gt iih peep aja ga pernah!! hhh astagfirullah astagfirullah gue takut salah ngomong kalo udah kayak gini! takut kuwalat.

udah ya,capek..