About Me

My photo
jakarta, Indonesia
me? a girl who won't kill her self,her mind and her life if she had a broken fvcking heart(s)

my mind's screams

why happiness always comes and goes? why it can't stays?
*still look for the answer!

hey welcome to my blog that i'll tell you everything here. don't forget to follow me and if you want to linked by me just ask!

but as well,
you can sit beside me when the world comes down..
-the all-american rejects

with love, wf

Saturday, January 30, 2010

ld fuckin' k

ck gue abis pulang dr ldk osis loh. hhh gue kesel. sebenernya gue mau jd family council(osis) tp pas dtg ldk sama liat ada proposal,ikrar,dll nya itu tiba2 gue jd maleeesss banget. peep juga males kata nya sama anak osis, berarti dia males sama gue dong entar? hhhh pokok nya serba salah bgt tau ah. kalo mau masuk sma 8/labschool kan katanya kalo anggota osis lebih "gampang" masuk. jd yaudah lah gue terpaksa gt hhhh ya allah mudah2an peep ga males deh sama gue hiks.

nih pas ldk tuh GA ENAK banget. ga enaaak bgt tau gak. di kelompok gue(kreatifitas) gue jd inceran nya. jd di kelompok itu gue yg mau di buat nangis. tp gue ga nangis untung nya HA HA! pokoknya parah deh gue di jahatin nya ck. kalo itu sih gue bodo amat. gue ga peduli. gue beneran nangis pas.......... HP gue rusaaakkkkk! aduh ya allah beneran gue langsung sedih bgt gt pas liat hp gue udah ga ada bentuk nyaaaaaa:'( it means = I NO LONGER HAVING A CELLPHONE! oh god,poor meT_T aah trus pas liat hp gue gitu dalem hati gue langsung blg gini "coba gue dengerin peep ga usah ikut ginian" aaah tp biarin aja yak. it's my brand new EXPERIENCE. ck hhh ya allah,mudah2an handphone gue betul ya allah:( trus moga2 gue di beliin lg yg lebih baguuuss. hiks tp gue udah pw pake hp itu deh beneran sumpah hiksss BIG FUCK OFF FOR THIS LDK! hell yeaahh


byebye, wf♥