About Me

My photo
jakarta, Indonesia
me? a girl who won't kill her self,her mind and her life if she had a broken fvcking heart(s)

my mind's screams

why happiness always comes and goes? why it can't stays?
*still look for the answer!

hey welcome to my blog that i'll tell you everything here. don't forget to follow me and if you want to linked by me just ask!

but as well,
you can sit beside me when the world comes down..
-the all-american rejects

with love, wf

Friday, October 23, 2009

my ninth months anniversary!

all the time
ich ♥ dich

hey..hari ini gue 9th months anniversary sama PEEP lhooo ihiy,seneng sekale aku..haha byk yg bilang nama anak nya sabana gara2 sepupunya SARBO'AH(ka tia's and ka bimo's son/daughter) haha hmm sabana itu kan fried chicken yg ada di kantin masjid (?) haha tp gpp laah gue mah okeh okeh ajee. nih cerita nyee

tgl 20 hari selasa: peep cium tangan sama bokap gue alias si om windy haha asek deh..jd peep cium tangan gt sama bokap gue haha dia keliatan nervous bgt eh,taunye bokap gue juga ikut2an grogi ck ck ck geblek dah..malah pas ketemu bokap gue begaya bgt lg ya ampuuun
tgl 21 hari rabu: peep ngasih gue coklat ferrero rocher lagiii hihihi dan udah ada di dalem tas gue lg ck ck ngek? kyknye demen bgt yak die sama tas gua haha tp kagak apa apa daaaah (y)..dan
today,tgl 23 hari jumat: peep ngasih gue coklat ferrero rocher lagee hm sekarang demen bgt die sama ferrero rocher yak? haha tp gpp laah..

badmood nya gue di suruh pulang cepet sama bokap gue harusnya kan haru jum'at gue pulang jam 2 siang tp gue di jemput jam 1 siang uurrghh gue ga mau pulaaang:'( hell-o0o0 23rd is my big day and i'll miss that? no way,it feels like i wanna cry..hmm,ya it's true i cried when i was took a bath haha lebeeey..jd abis pulang gue pertamatama ke melawai trus ke ps,ke fx sama ke sency gosh,pegel kaki gue paraaahh haha goodgood trus kemaren gue kan ke LINEA (shoes store) yg ada di ps tuh ada sepatu merk CAMPER keren bangeeettt gue mau tp pas gue liat harga nye -> -,- 1 jt 4 ratus ribuuuu:"(( hiks jahat bgt ya yg ngasih harga ck

udah yaaa,td nya gue mau nge post kemaren tp ga bisa gara2 gue midnight on the road gt jd ga bisa deh hhh eh,udah liat peep belum? nih 2 fotonya yg paling gue suka hehehe hmm perasaan pas foto nya gede bagus,kok pas kecil jd jelek? ck ck ck haha tp gpp lah

and until now i still can't figure it out how i can be so crazy about him haha (y)
wafa the monster!