About Me

My photo
jakarta, Indonesia
me? a girl who won't kill her self,her mind and her life if she had a broken fvcking heart(s)

my mind's screams

why happiness always comes and goes? why it can't stays?
*still look for the answer!

hey welcome to my blog that i'll tell you everything here. don't forget to follow me and if you want to linked by me just ask!

but as well,
you can sit beside me when the world comes down..
-the all-american rejects

with love, wf

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

holla back!

hey hey im back peeps! laptop gue udah bener lho! senang sekali rasanya. wk. tadi pas ini rusak gue berdoa nya supaya di kasih macbook pro, eh ternyata ini bener yowes lah Toshiba ajaaaa *dancing. haha oke oke udah kenorakan gue keluar lagi. bubar ah bubar!

oke, i got like a truck of stories i wanna tell. well, kalo ga lupa haha abisnya suka inget nih mau cerita apa, eh pas udah tinggal ngetik lupa gituu ck ck.

first, my birthday! yaaay. gue 14 taun lho skrg ;;) i think i kinda ready enough for 14. so long goodbye 13 years old! tapi selama 14 taun gue idup, tetep aja gue ga bisa ini..... ngendaliin emosi. bbzztt rasanya tuh gimanaa gitu susah banget ck. well, like i care anyway. kan jadi khas gitu gue ha ha ha. hmm di tahun ini gue dapet kado yang... O.O dari Peep. haha! uuuuuuu kado nya kue sama hug! you couldnt imagine how happy i was. when it was happened, i can't stop dancing under the moonlight afterall. haha okeoke enough with my birthday. ohya, my wishes!

-more lovable
-be unexplainable
-be different(in a good way)
-ga pernah bokek lagi wk
-be mature
-yaaaa dsb nya lah haha amin in bole kok!


hmm okeoke enough with my birthday

second, gue bingung abis tralalala sama SMA. entar nasip gue pas SMA gimanaaa?! oh man, these knowledge things drives me crazy. jadi males idup gue denger susahnya masuk SMA, dilema masuk ipa ato ips, LDR, capek, tugas2, sekali salah ambil keputusan merana seumur idup, dll. ah geeezzzzz! apa sih? pindah negara aja yok. capek banget di indonesia gini banget perasaan ish. gue tuh mau nya gini nih -> masuk SMA gampang -> bahagia -> masuk IPA -> bahagia -> lulus -> bahagia -> masuk UI -> bahagia -> jadi dokter spesialis kandungan profesional -> tajir -> bahagia -> nikah(eh apa ini dulu baru jadi dokter profesional?) -> bahagia -> punya anak cantik2 sama ganteng2 -> bahagia -> jadi nenek-kakek bareng suami tercinta -> bahagia -> mati -> masuk surga -> bahagia!

well, know i know what ppl look for in this reality... happiness.

haha apasih post-an gue ga jelas abis nih. udah dulu ya.